How to Build a Tesla Coil

How to Build a Tesla Coil

A Tesla coil is a device that can be used to produce electricity. You can use different transformers to build a Tesla coil, including automotive oil and oil furnace oil transformers. Understand how to build a Tesla coil and broaden your knowledge of science.
How to Build Wind Generator

How to Build Wind Generator

A wind generator is a device that allows you to harness the power of the wind and use it as energy. Before you can build a wind generator, a motor will be required and also some cogs. Make a wind generator and use it at home.
How to Repair Electrical Wiring

How to Repair Electrical Wiring

Faulty and broken electrical wiring are problems you can fix without hiring a professional. Before you go about repairing electrical wiring however, there are several matters that need to be considered.
How to Build Wind Turbines

How to Build Wind Turbines

A wind turbine is used to harness the energy of the wind and turn it into usable power. To build a wind turbine, make a hub and tower for the turbine and mount the generator onto it. You also have to make blades for the turbine.
How to Build a Wind Turbine

How to Build a Wind Turbine

Wind turbines come in different forms, and some models are easier to make than others. To build a simple wind turbine, cut the blades to the right size and put them on a mount. Use the correct methods to build a wind turbine and discover how it works.
How to Build Wind Turbine

How to Build Wind Turbine

A wind turbine is used to change the wind into usable energy. With the rising power costs, construction and use of wind turbines is becoming increasingly popular. Comprehend how to build wind turbines and how it works.
How to Solve Common Electrical Problems

How to Solve Common Electrical Problems

It is important to take immediate action when you are experiencing some of these common electrical problems at home. Never take them for granted for they might cause severe damages to your electrical appliances and may also endanger your life and your family's life. Here are some simple solutions that you can do yourself to solve the common electrical problems at home.
How to Build Solar Panel

How to Build Solar Panel

The high cost of electric power is one of the reasons why solar panels are becoming very popular. To make solar panels, you need to cook copper flashing and hook it to a micro-ammeter. Build a solar panel and say goodbye to high power bills.
Auto Electrical Repair

Auto Electrical Repair

Electric and wiring problems on cars are frequent but you can repair them. Repair auto electrical problems and get your car running again. Take the right approach to fixing electrical car troubles and forego another detour to the repair shop.
How to Build a Wind Mill

How to Build a Wind Mill

A wind mill remains one of the most dependable ways to generate power. Build a wind mill and discover how this can be used to generate power. Make wind mills and explore the ways it can be used as an alternative energy source.