How to Fix the Red Ring of Death Permanently

How to Fix the Red Ring of Death Permanently

The Red Ring of Death that appears on the Xbox 360 is due to hardware failure and overheating, making the console unplayable. However, there are ways you can resolve the situation DIY style. Understand how to fix the Red Ring of Death permanently and play your favorite games trouble free.
How to Repair Xbox 360

How to Repair Xbox 360

The Red Ring of Death is one of the most difficult Xbox 360 problems players will come across. While repair is complicated, it can be done at home. Take the right approach to repair Xbox 360 and get the console working again.
How to Fix E74 Error

How to Fix E74 Error

The E74 error is one of the more common glitches that affect certain models of the Xbox 360. Some of the ways to fix the E74 error are cleaning the cables or trying new electric connections. Wrapping the 360 in towels is another possible solution.
Playstation 3 Error Codes

Playstation 3 Error Codes

One of the most popular video gaming consoles available in the commercial market today is the Sony PlayStation 3. To avoid sending the system for service, it is important to know the different PlayStation 3 error codes and the basics in solving the errors.
How to Fix an Xbox 360

How to Fix an Xbox 360

The Xbox 360 is a gaming console that lets you play multiplayer games against people from all over the world. Although stable, problems like the RROD error can manifest. Apply the right techniques to fix an Xbox 360 and prevent your system from overheating.
How to Fix the Red Ring Of Death

How to Fix the Red Ring Of Death

The Red Ring of Death is one of the problems that Xbox users face, but there are workarounds to the situation. To fix the Red Ring of Death, the CPU and the GPU have to be cleaned. To avoid damaging the unit, specific steps have to be undertaken when dealing with the Red Ring of Death.
How to Fix Xbox 360 Ring of Death

How to Fix Xbox 360 Ring of Death

The Ring of Death is one of the perplexing problems that Xbox users face, but fortunately there are ways to remedy the situation. Some of the methods include removing connectors and adjusting the hard drive. Take the right steps to fix the Xbox 360 Ring of Death and keep on playing.
How to Fix the Red Ring of Death

How to Fix the Red Ring of Death

The red ring of death is one of the common problems experienced by Microsoft Xbox 360 users. This problem can be caused by hard drive failure or overheating. To avoid causing further damages, then it is important to know how to fix the red ring of death efficiently.
How to Fix Xbox 360 Open Tray Error

How to Fix Xbox 360 Open Tray Error

The Xbox 360 is one of the most advanced game consoles available in the market. One of the common problems encountered by the users of the console is the open tray error. In order to learn how to fix Xbox 360 open tray error, it is important to know the possible causes of the problem like a malfunctioning hard disk.