How to Build a Car

How to Build a Car

Sprint cars are often used by racing enthusiasts to hone their racing driving skills and improved their performance. To make a sprint car, specific materials are required. Get insights on how to build a car for sprint racing and what precautions to take.
How to Fix a Car Seat

How to Fix a Car Seat

Fixing car seats will be necessary if there are burnt holes or burns. Remove burnt car seat holes and make the fabric look as good as new. Fix car seats with cigar marks and drive more comfortably and safely.
Small Engine Repair How To

Small Engine Repair How To

Small engines are made up of many parts, any number of which may malfunction or break down. Some of the areas that should be examined regularly are the driveshaft and the carburetor. Understand how to do small engine repair and keep it in good condition.
DIY Auto Body Repair

DIY Auto Body Repair

With a flawless body structure, an automobile can look great. However, problems such as dents, rust and scratches can make it look bad. These problems can be solved easily by knowing and understanding the different important aspects of DIY auto body repair.
How to Build a Stretch Limousine

How to Build a Stretch Limousine

Stretch limousines are one of the expensive kinds of vehicle that you dream of having one day. That day will be coming soon since you can now build a stretch limousine the affordable way. Follow these simple instructions and you are on your way of making your dream come true.
How to Build a Carport

How to Build a Carport

The right tools are needed to build a carport properly. Build a carport and provide cars with proper storage. Use the right approach to build a carport and avoid difficulties during construction.
How to Repair Headlights

How to Repair Headlights

A foggy headlight can lead to complications if not attended to properly. Gather information about repairing headlights and restore them to their original status. Fix those car headlights yourself and do away with costly replacement packages and kits.
How to Build a Go Cart Frame

How to Build a Go Cart Frame

Making your own go craft frame is possible if the right tools are used. Build a go cart frame using easy to follow and non technical instructions. Discover different ways to build a go cart frame and how to determine the right dimensions.
How to Fix Power Windows

How to Fix Power Windows

Power windows can malfunction but some of these problems you can repair. By making the proper assessment, you’ll be able to fix power windows in the right manner. Diagnose problems with power windows and make the appropriate fixes.
How To Repair Car Power Windows

How To Repair Car Power Windows

Car power windows are handy but there are times when they malfunction. Gain insights on repairing car power windows and save on the costs of a trip to the repair shop. Understand the ins and outs of fixing car power windows and take better care of your car.