How to Repair Xbox 360

How to Repair Xbox 360

The Red Ring of Death is one of the most difficult Xbox 360 problems players will come across. While repair is complicated, it can be done at home. Take the right approach to repair Xbox 360 and get the console working again.
How to Fix Your Xbox 360

How to Fix Your Xbox 360

Different errors may be encountered when using the Xbox, but none is probably more common than the Red Ring of Death or RROD. If you want to fix your Xbox, certain factors have to be kept in mind. Fix your Xbox 360 and save your money.
How to Fix an Xbox 360

How to Fix an Xbox 360

The Xbox 360 is a gaming console that lets you play multiplayer games against people from all over the world. Although stable, problems like the RROD error can manifest. Apply the right techniques to fix an Xbox 360 and prevent your system from overheating.
How to Fix a Scratched Xbox 360 Game

How to Fix a Scratched Xbox 360 Game

Xbox game discs will get scratches if they are not handled properly. While this can make the disc unplayable, there are many ways to clean it up. Some of the ways to fix a scratched Xbox 360 game include cleaning with cloth and using car polish.
How to Fix the Red Ring Of Death

How to Fix the Red Ring Of Death

The Red Ring of Death is one of the problems that Xbox users face, but there are workarounds to the situation. To fix the Red Ring of Death, the CPU and the GPU have to be cleaned. To avoid damaging the unit, specific steps have to be undertaken when dealing with the Red Ring of Death.
How to Fix Red Ring of Death

How to Fix Red Ring of Death

When the Xbox overheats, various problems can occur, the most common being the Red Ring of Death. While this can freeze the system, there are ways to fix it. Fix the Red Ring of Death and play your favorite games uninterrupted.
How to Fix Xbox 360 E74

How to Fix Xbox 360 E74

The E74 error that appears on the Xbox is often caused by overheating and a clogged environment. To fix Xbox 360 E74, disconnect all the power cords and clean the console. Assessing the quality of the cables will also be necessary.
How to Fix RROD

How to Fix RROD

The Xbox RROD is a problem that affects many Xbox owners. Fortunately, there are ways to fix the situation. Aside from repairing the console, you can also get a replacement under certain conditions. Get tips on how to fix the RROD and get the most from your Xbox.
How to Fix 2 Red Lights on Xbox 360

How to Fix 2 Red Lights on Xbox 360

Many Xbox consoles suffer from the 3 red light error, but in some cases only 2 red lights will manifest. To fix the 2 red lights on Xbox 360, open the console and tighten the X clamps on the motherboard.
How to Fix E74

How to Fix E74

The Red Ring of Death or E74 on the Xbox may be attributed to various causes, including overheating. To repair the E74 error, cleaning of the unit will be necessary. Get insights on how to fix E74 and keep your Xbox in good shape.