How to Fix Computer Problems

How to Fix Computer Problems

The first step on how to fix computer problems is to identify whether you have hardware related issues or software related issues. You can commence your troubleshooting from there. You may end up replacing computer parts or reinstalling your software to solve the problem.
How to Repair a Scratched CD

How to Repair a Scratched CD

People have wondered if there is a way to repair a scratched CD. There are a few things you can do to repair a scratched disc. Some of these include running warm water, making a back up CD, or using commercial products.
How to Fix a JavaScript Error

How to Fix a JavaScript Error

Everyone has experienced getting JavaScript Errors one time or another. You get these errors when a problem arises in the interaction between your browser and the web page you were viewing. To fix these errors you need to check all the possible trouble points on your side to eliminate the possibility that your computer is causing the said error.
How to Repair Computers

How to Repair Computers

Many have wondered about how to repair computers especially when they have experienced having a machine break down. A troubleshooting kit may become helpful to you. An essential part of your arsenal will be your very own troubleshooting skills to diagnose different issues.
How to Fix a Slow Laptop

How to Fix a Slow Laptop

A laptop is highly convenient to use because of its low power consumption, wide array of cool features and ease of access. Aside from these advantages, it also has a portable and compact design. In case you have one, it is very good to learn how to fix a slow laptop.
How to Fix Registry

How to Fix Registry

The Windows Registry contains crucial information for your operating system and the programs you installed. If you want to fix registry, a registry editor has to be used. Get tips on how to fix registry and how to avoid making mistakes.
How to Build a Free Website

How to Build a Free Website

The first thing you need to do on how to build a free website is to look for a free webhosting service. Once you’ve picked out your free webhost, choose a domain name, your theme and then proceed to post your contents on your site.
How to Fix Windows Xp

How to Fix Windows Xp

If your computer is acting up and your OS is Windows XP; one of the things that you can do on how to fix Windows XP is to use the XP repair feature included in your installation CD. You may also go the other way and revert your system to its last known good configuration.