How to Maintain Your Decking Area

How to Maintain Your Decking Area

A decking area can improve the aesthetic value and enhances the space of your home. This area of the house provides a comfortable place to spend sunny afternoons. To make this part of the house more fashionable, stylish and attractive, it is important to have a background on how to maintain your decking area efficiently. Below are the tips that you can follow if you want your deck to last for several years.


Timber is one of the materials that are commonly used to make a decking area. However, this material can be easily damaged because the area is exposed to sunlight, wind, water, insects as well as fire hazards. To avoid damages in the decking area, it is best to replace a rotted part whenever you see one. In addition, it is important that you discard all sources of water like bushes from decks.

If you want to remove stains and retain the beauty of the area, you can clean the deck with oxygen bleach. Clean the area with the chemical every week. After you remove stains, it is best to recoat or seal the deck. You can use decking oil in sealing the area.

Aside from removing stains, it is important to remove dirt every week. Use a broom and pour water on the deck to maintain the appearance of the area. To remove mold, tree sap and mild dew, you can use plastic scrub brush and soapy water.

Pay attention to damages in the decking area. If you find damaged wood, screws, fasteners and bolts, replace these immediately to avoid causing further damages. Instead of using ordinary sealants, you can use products with ultraviolet protectant.

If you have a composite decking area, it is essential to sweep the place every day. If there are leaves in the place, you can use a leaf blower to clean the area easily. Rinse the place using a garden hose. Ensure that the place has drainage because if the water will not be removed or dried out, it can cause stain.

When cleaning the deck, you can use a composite decking cleaner available in local home improvement stores. If you are having a hard time finding the cleaner, you can mix 1/3 cup of powdered laundry detergent with 2/3 cup trisodium phosphate. Add this in a mixture of a quart of bleach and three quarts of water. After applying the cleaner, rinse it with clean water. If you have clean cloth, pat dry excess water on the area.