How to Fix a Running Toilet

How to Fix a Running Toilet

The toilet bowl is one of the most important features inside the bathroom. However, this fixture can experience different kinds of problems, one of the most common of which is a running toilet. This problem is not only a waste of water but a waste of money as well. Just imagine how much is added to your water bill with all the water flowing freely. To help solve this kind of problem, it is good to learn how to fix a running toilet.

Materials Needed

In case you are planning to fix a running toilet, you need three materials to get the job done. This moderately easy task requires a screwdriver set, plungers and toilet repair parts. Once you have these things, you can start right away and prevent the water as well as your money from going into waste.


Before you can fix anything, you need to investigate first the real cause of the problem. For this bathroom fixture, take off the lid of the toilet tank. Remove it from harm’s way. Check the ball clock, which is a valve connected to the float. In case you hear or notice water from this part, you must replace or clean it.

Aside from this, try to check is the tank flap is still working well. Pull up your sleeves and then try to reach the bottom part of the tank. Press down its edges. In case the water stops from running, it only shows that the flap is not working properly anymore.

Once you have identified the real cause of the problem, turn off the supply of water. After that, flush the water inside the tank to make your job easier. Buy all the materials you need to accomplish this task.

To replace the tank flap, remove all the attachments first. Place and attach the new tank flap. Turn the water supply on. Check if the water is no longer running freely and then put the lid back on.

In case the ball-clock diaphragm is the problem, replace it by snapping off its cover. Get the screwdriver and then unscrew the top plate. Once you see the rubber diaphragm, slowly remove it. Remember which side of it is up and then analyze its condition. Sometimes, hard-water deposits like rust or gravel can cause a leak. Rinse it using the water from tank.

On the other hand, the leak can also be caused by a worn-out or damaged ball-clock. In case this is the cause of the problem, remove it right away and then replace it with a new one. Change the top plate as well. Put the screws back on. Turn on the supply of water and then check if there is no more leak.