How to Build a Doll House

How to Build a Doll House

Trying to build a doll house is no simple task. As important as having the right tools is the planning, as the information below will indicate.

Required Tools and Materials

Doll furniture
Wood glue
Finished plywood or laminate
MDF (multi-density fiberboard)
3D design software

Step 1

Make the doll house on the 3D computer design program. This will make it easy to determine how many plywood pieces are required. It also helps you decide what scale to use.

The most widely used scale is 1/12. Majority of doll furniture and kits are made on this scale. If you want compatibility with doll house furniture items sold, use this scale.

Step 2

Print the measurements for the doll house you made. Buy the required number of plywood or laminate floors. Have the shop cut the wood to size or you can do it yourself.

Step 3

Begin to build a doll house by cutting the wood. Cut out the holes for the windows and doors. If you decide to saw the wood, sand them after cutting. Saw off a part of the MDF. Use this as the backing of the doll house.

Step 4

Once you have cut the front, floor, back and side walls, apply some wood glue. Put the walls in their respective positions. To fortify the house, drill nail holes in the corners. Hammer in nails to join the walls.

Step 5

Sand on the nails once they are hammered into place.

Step 6

Paint the doll house. Put on any color you like. Allow the paint time to dry.

Step 7

Once the doll house is dry, you can apply wallpaper to the walls and floor. Turn on your computer and open up a paint program. Open a new project. Set the size to correspond with the doll house wall dimensions.

Draw or paint the pattern. Save the file and print it. Put glue on the doll house wall. Carefully stick the paper on it. You can also print out shingles and carpet textures. Put these in the doll house to enhance its appearance.

Tips and Warnings

Some people find it easier to paste the wallpaper and decorations on the walls before they are joined together. Make sure you use strong material like heavy card stock or vinyl so the wallpaper holds up.

After you build a doll house, you can start adding the doll house furniture. You can either make them or buy some in the store.