How to Repair Swimming Hair Damage

How to Repair Swimming Hair Damage

Because of the presence of chlorine and other elements in the water, enjoying nice and refreshing dips in the swimming pool can cause significant damage to your hair. These days, availing the services of beauty salons to have your hair repaired can be very costly. If you wish to save money, you can instead learn how to repair swimming hair damage.

Materials Needed

This is a very easy task. You only need a cucumber, two teaspoons of olive oil and an egg.


In a clean blender, put in the cucumber, a teaspoon of olive oil and an egg. Process the ingredients until they form a creamy mixture. Place it in a nice clean bowl. Before you use this in your hair, use a clarifying shampoo first. Next, get a conditioner and then use it to moisturize your hair. Blow-drying after this is unnecessary. Instead, get a comb and then use it to remove the tangles. Dry your hair well with a towel.

Once your hair is ready, apply the mixture first at the ends. These areas probably have the most damage because they are made up of older hair. Slowly move your way up until the roots. Let the mixture stay for at least 10 minutes. Thoroughly rinse your hair with regular tap water. Next, it is good to shampoo and condition your hair once more. By doing these steps, you are guaranteed that chlorine will be removed from your hair. At the same time, these procedures can also help you repair the damage that was caused by chlorine exposure.

Additional Tips and Other Helpful Information

After realizing how bad chlorine is to your hair, try to put suntan oil on it the next time you go swimming. This actually provides the hair protection from further damage all day long. Likewise, you can also apply sunscreen into your scalp to help protect the roots of your hair. However, it is very important to shampoo your hair after exposing yourself to the sun as well as chlorine.

You can also buy a hair-repairing shampoo. Use it together with a special protein conditioner and start nurturing and restructuring your hair. Limit the use of this shampoo to only once for each week. After using this kind of shampoo and rinsing the conditioner out of your hair, you can coat your hair with a leave-on conditioner. Be sure to apply it entirely even down to the ends. Distribute it with the help of a wide-tooth comb.