How to Body Build

How to Body Build

Bodybuilding does not only give you the physique you’ve been dreaming of but more importantly, it gives you the strength and stamina to endure prolonged physical activities and the energy to function at your best at all times.

However, bodybuilding is not something to be taken lightly because the wrong “moves” could result in injury and render you strained and drained of energy if done in excess.

It is therefore very important that one takes the necessary steps on how to body build particularly if one is just starting on this type of physical training.

Basic of How to Body Build

1. Seek your doctor’s clearance. Before you begin your bodybuilding regime, it is very important that you seek clearance from your doctor. This is especially necessary if you have a medical condition and/or taking regular prescribed medications.

Your doctor can advise you on how much physical strain your body should be able to withstand, particularly your heart if you have a heart condition.

2. Join a gym club. While there are steps that you can do at home to improve your built, it is advisable that you start your routines at your local gym first. This is even more important if this is the first time that you will be undertaking such a task.

3. Plan your bodybuilding routine. If you are unsure of what types of exercises and bodybuilding routines you can start with, seek the advice of a professional trainer.

You can talk to trainers at your local gym and ask for their help in this area. It is also important to note here that you shouldn’t do your beginner’s routines for several consecutive days at a time.

It is recommended that you do your bodybuilding regime at least three times per week, on alternate days. It wouldn’t help to put your body under too much stress when you’re only beginning your routine.

Your body needs to adjust to these physical activities so it can adapt accordingly.

4. Plan your diet. It has been said time and again that exercise, no matter what form; will not do much for your body if you continue on your unhealthy eating habits.

Preservatives in junk and processed foods, when taken in excess, can actually sap your energy.

5. Work on your entire body. This is actually in conjunction with planning your routine. To be able to have a toned body, working on all muscles instead of one particular area could actually speed-up your bodybuilding results.

Bear in mind that professional bodybuilders have a different routine so it is not recommended that you start with theirs. Dumbbell bench press, one-arm rows, bent-over lateral raises, dumbbell curls, dumbbell upright rows and overhead tricep extensions are ideal for beginners.

You may also include leg extensions, dumbbell squats, dumbbell lunges by pressing with your heels, lying leg curls and calf raises.

Again, before you start on your routine, seek the advice of a professional trainer. The above-given exercises are only suggestions and must not be undertaken unless you get clearance from both your doctor and an expert trainer.