DIY Plumbing

DIY Plumbing

Plumbing repairs at home are something that you shouldn’t put off, not only because they can be pretty frustrating especially when you constantly hear that tap-tapping sound, but more so because they can significantly increase your water bill!

There are actually DIY plumbing repairs that can be done in a couple of easy steps. Troubleshooting small plumbing problems is recommended before calling for professional help so you won’t have to spend so much on labor costs.

DIY Plumbing

Leaking Taps – Replacing the Washer

Whether your leaking tap is in the bathroom or kitchen, you can sort this problem out with a simple washer replacement.

Before working on your faulty tap, you should first turn off the water supply to the specific faucet. Usually, there is a valve under the sink and you can turn this off to cut the water supply.

If you do not see any valve, you may have to cut off your entire water supply for the time being. Once you have cut off the water supply, make sure that you plug the drain so any small parts that you will be taking out from the faucet won’t fall down the drain.

Lift the cover of your tap with a screwdriver and then unscrew the spindle. Once you have done this, slowly lift the handle to expose the tap head gear. Take out the washer – that round black rubber thing attached to the head gear – and insert a new one.

Put all components back in the same way that you took them out, only in reverse order. Don’t forget to turn on the water supply once you’re done.

Inadequate Water Flow on Dishwasher

If you see that your dishes come out of the dishwasher with small remnants of dirt and the water flow is not adequate, you may have mineral deposits in your dishwasher. It is important to immediately remedy this situation not only so you can have clean dishes but more so to prevent further clogging your dishwasher.

You can use a simple homemade cleaner to wash out the mineral deposits from your dishwasher through a combination of vinegar and hot water. Mix together these two ingredients in equal portions for your instant dishwasher cleaner.

Before you proceed, make sure that you shut down the water supply through the control valve on your dishwasher. Separate the tubes that connect your dishwasher and your water supply through the use of pliers.

Once you see the open tube, simply pour down your mixture into the tube. Attach the tubes together once again and let the mixture sit inside the tube for a couple of hours.

Turn your valve for the water supply and then run one cycle on the dishwasher to get rid of the water and vinegar solution. You may repeat the process if the initial cleaning has not completely fixed your water flow.