Air Conditioning Maintenance

Air Conditioning Maintenance

An air conditioner provides comfort on a particularly hot day by making sure cool, soothing air is always rushing indoors. But this is only so for as long as the unit is functioning properly. It is thus important to conduct regular air conditioning maintenance to maintain the quality of the air being pumped into the room.

The first step in conducting air conditioning maintenance is to inspect the air conditioning unit’s outdoor condenser. Check to see if there are traces of leaves, grass or any small debris caught around the areas of the condenser, especially close to its base. Such specks must be removed so that they will not hinder the flow of air within the condenser. Otherwise, there is a risk that the coil in the condenser would warm up too much, lessening the air conditioner’s efficiency.

Needless to say, air conditioning units run much more effectively when they are clean. In cleaning the air conditioner, refer to the owner’s manual enclosed with the unit. The air conditioning unit should be cleaned according to the cleaning instructions set down in the manual. A frequent mode of cleaning involves taking off one of the unit’s side panels and using a broom to sweep away any trace of debris present. Normally, one can clean an air conditioner by spraying it downwards with a hose to wash away the dust and dirt.

An air conditioner’s filter must be replaced as frequently as is required for the specific unit that one owns. A dirty filter will have much difficulty in forcing air through, which would cause the air conditioning unit to work even harder, thus cutting down its effectiveness. To improve the lifespan of a unit, it should be set to run only if it is absolutely necessary. One can adjust the air conditioner’s thermostat when at home. But if one is leaving the house, the thermostat should be set at low. Also, the thermostat’s fan setting should be turned to “auto” instead of “on.” If the fan is left to run continuously, it could shorten the unit’s lifespan, as air conditioners are not built to continually cycle air.

In order to ensure that one’s air conditioning unit is properly maintained, it is recommended to have the unit inspected by a professional air conditioning maintenance specialist every 1 or 2 years. An expert will be able to assess the condition of the air conditioner and perform the appropriate adjustments to keep it in good working order, such as verifying the unit’s electrical connections and level of refrigerants, making sure the blower parts are clean and well adjusted, lubricating the unit’s moving parts, and thoroughly cleaning the coils and condensers. Consulting professional expertise is the best way to guarantee good air conditioning maintenance.