How to Build a Platform Bed

How to Build a Platform Bed

Platform beds can be expensive, but you can save money by making one. To build a platform bed, you need to get the following ready.

Required Tools and Materials

Screws, nails and/or hinges
Carpenter’s square (optional)
Sandpaper (coarse and fine)
Cloth for applying stain or sealant
Stain or wood sealant
Hammer if using nails or power drill with screwdriver bit
Tape measure
Sawhorses or workbench for sawing wood
Wood saw or power saw

Note: the saw and sawhorses are needed only if the wood pieces are not precut.

Step 1

Make a sketch design. Decide if you want the bed to have rims on the edges or not.

Step 2

Determine the dimensions of the bed. Start by measuring the mattress length and width. Add four inches to the length. Depending on your design, you may or may not have to add the rim width to the size. The height is up to you. Deduct mattress thickness from the height. This is how tall the platform will be.

Step 3

You can use plywood to build a platform bed. Particle boards are cheaper but not as durable.

Step 4

Gather the wood pieces and begin cutting the wood pieces. Remember, you can cut the wood yourself or have the store pre-cut according to your specifications. The latter is easier but it will cost you more money. Keep in mind that the support length is the same as the platform bed length.

Step 5

Sand the wood pieces if needed. Always follow the grain when sanding.

Step 6

Stain the wood before you put the pieces together. Sealing of wood should also be done prior to assembly.

Step 7

Put the sides and bottom pieces together. Basically it is just a box that will hold the mattress in place. You can make it easier by assembling the pieces where the bed will be set.

Step 8

Attach the footboards and headboards if you want. Place a couple of L brackets on the attachments so there is no shifting. Shifting can cause damage to the headboard and footboard, so this is important.

Tips and Warnings

Use high quality wood. It may be more expensive, but it will last longer. Make sure that the wood box is strong enough to support the weight of the mattress and the person who will sleep on it.

Learning how to build a platform bed is not that hard. You just need to make sure that you cut the wood according to the right measurements.