How to Maintain Bermuda Grass

How to Maintain Bermuda Grass

There are those who mistake Bermuda grass as a type of weed that destroy other plants. Contrary to such a belief, it is a rather popular choice to grow on playing fields like that for football and golf. This type of grass grows best during summer where there is much sun.

Unfortunately, it is susceptible to attack from pests and weeds when grown in shady areas. Though it is commonly seen to be dormant when the temperature drops below 65 degrees, there are varieties of this grass that can grow in colder areas. Here are some steps you can take to maintain Bermuda grass.

Steps to Maintain Bermuda Grass

To maintain Bermuda grass, you should make several applications of fertilizer. You should do this for about four to five times in an entire growing season. Use a high nitrogen mix fertilizer and apply it evenly over the field. Change to a high potassium concentrate fertilizer when winter sets in.

Take note of the pH levels since Bermuda grass don’t grow well on highly acidic soil. Add lime to the fertilizer you use for winter to reduce soil acidity. Remember to follow the instructions on the label of each fertilizer especially when making adjustments to the mix.

In order to maintain Bermuda grass during winter you should mow the grass at the start of the season. You should do this especially if there is a possibility of frost. Mowing the grass at the onset of the season will reduce the dead outgrowth covering the grass. Mow the Bermuda grass to a height of about a couple of inches for common breeds. If you have a hybrid Bermuda grass growing on your lawn then you should mow them to a height of 1 1/2 inches. The rule here is that you should never cut the grass lower than a third of its growing height.

Watering Tips

Watering is an essential precaution to maintain Bermuda grass. This becomes a lot more important whenever conditions of drought occur. However, in the absence of such conditions the normal amount of rainfall will be quite enough. This is especially true if you’re growing them in areas where you have a tropical climate. Never water your Bermuda grass in the late afternoon since they can become susceptible to pests and disease.

Care Tips

You need to aerate the lawn in order to maintain Bermuda grass and keep them growing properly. Doing so will help them grow a better root system. You should do this annually under normal circumstances. Aerate the lawn once in spring and in summer if you have high traffic conditions.