How to Build an Electric Car

How to Build an Electric Car

As the world is becoming more and more conscious about the environment, serious thought should be given regarding alternative and eco-friendly modes of transportation. These range from vehicles powered by solar energy to those that move on electricity. As far as the latter goes, it is actually quite easy for one to learn how to build an electric car of their very own.

Before building an electric car, one should make sure that they are well protected. Put on a pair of goggles for eye protection, as well as rubber gloves and boots to be safe from electric shocks. It is also advisable to wear old clothes while working on the car.

Select a typical car body for conversion into an electric car, taking into consideration the profile if the body, the weight of its frame, and the type of axle to ensure that the car will be easily converted without much trouble. For the car’s electric motor, choose one that can easily be assembled without getting the help of a professional. A DC motor that has a very small body is the customary motor used for electric car conversion.

Gather a set of specialized tools that would be required in building an electric car right in one’s garage. In order to remove the car’s old parts before the electrical components are installed, a torque wrench would be needed, as well as an engine crane. Also get a primary and back-up electric car battery prior to building the electric car, particularly a gel-cell or VRLA battery. One may need to refer to an electric vehicles retailer to track them down.

While building the electric car, passive energy tools like solar panels should be installed. The solar panels would serve to recharge the car’s batteries, as well as its power accessories. A motor controller should be placed between the motor and the battery so that the electrical flow is controlled. Acting as a mediator between the motor and the battery, the controller provides enough electrical current to make the electric car move forth.

Once the electric car has been built, a contactor is connected to the ignition, which will enable the car to start. Just as the engine of an ordinary gas-powered car is turned on by the ignition switch, the motor will be activated by the motor once the key is turned. A word of caution; in order to prevent electrical problems, a tag should be wrapped around each wire under the electric car’s hood. A white tag should be used, and a number associated to the description on the inventory sheet should be applied. Make sure that every wire is verified before the electric car is started.